Sunday, September 27, 2009

Freedom Prospers When Religion Is Vibrant

Freedom prospers when religion is vibrant and the rule of law under God is acknowledged.-Ronald Reagan.

People need to remember that this is a country which was settled by Puritans. They came here looking for religious freedom not freedom from religion. In fact, Separation of Church and State is not mentioned anywhere in the Constitution. The concept was first developed by Thomas Jefferson ("wall of separation between the church and the state") and he intended it to prevent the State from interfering with religion. Check out this website for some historical perspective .

One of the best things that Americans can do to help their country is to refocus their lives on their individual faiths. Those in power know the true power of God and they do not want mass uprisings. That’s why they take every opportunity to minimize religion and remove its very presence from public life. A recent example is Obama’s April 2008 speech in which he minimized people who “cling to guns or religion”. Even the Nazi’s respected the Vatican and did not occupy it during their occupation of Rome. “…. upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of the netherworld shall not prevail against it." Matthew 16:18.

They even go so far as to threaten churches with the loss of their federal tax exempt status if they do not keep quiet on politics. This, however, is an empty threat. Think about it, if the federal government were to remove the tax exempt status of churches then that would allow the churches to form PACs (Political Action Committees) and hire Lobbyists. We all know that the NRA, Trial Lawyers, and Unions have major influence in the government because of their PACs and Lobbyists but can you imagine the power of the Catholics, Baptists, Presbyterians, Pentecostals, Lutherans, Mormons, and Methodists joining together to get involved in politics and stand up for what is right? With that amount of fundraising power and a common goal they would become a Juggernaut. Even the Catholics or Mormons alone would be an unstoppable force.

There is, however, a very serious problem that many people are going to encounter when trying to refocus their lives on their faith. That problem is the fact that many of the liberal progressive churches are in love with Obama and all of his nonsense. Many of them are so enamored with Obama’s eloquence that they either cannot see or do not want to see the truth. The leaders of these churches need to take a moment and reread their bibles. They must choose which master they truly serve and their congregations must call them out on this. “No one is able to serve two masters. For either he will have hatred for the one, and love the other, or he will persevere with the one, and despise the other. You cannot serve God and wealth.” Mathew 6:24.

There is a lot of “change” occurring in this country right now and it isn’t change that we can believe in. Rather, it is change we should fear. We all need to speak up for what we believe and let those in power know that while there are areas which need improvement within our country it does not need to be dismantled and rebuilt.

There are plenty of developed European nations in which socialism and nationalized everything is currently being practiced. Europe is a beautiful place and I invite those looking for a socialist state to relocate there. As for this country, we are a Democratic Republic with a foundation built on Judeo-Christian values, individual efforts, and unlimited potential. I firmly believe that we are rapidly approaching a point in time when people are going to make their voices heard and those that seek to impose their beliefs upon us will discover that there are far more of us clinging to our guns and religion than there are of them.

We are the majority, they are the minority, and it’s time for their tyranny to come to an end.

Nemo me impune lacesset


  1. Beautifully stated, Mike. Somewhat unrelated, but I thought the following quote was rather interesting:

    "When an opponent declares, 'I will not come over to your side,' I say calmly, 'Your child belongs to us already...What are you? You will pass on. Your descendants, however, now stand in the new camp. In a short time they will know nothing but this new community'."

    This was stated by Adolf Hitler. I just can't help but to be eerily reminded of some of the recent movements (i.e. "change") within our own nation.

  2. Unfortunately we who still believe in the judeo-christian values and system that this country was founded on are the "majority" but we are being drowned out by the "minority" whose voices are louder than our own. It's kind of like the "tail wagging the dog" to use a cliche. A lot of eyes have been opened since Obama took office and I'm sure many who voted for him are seeing the error of their ways. Our country is quickly being driven toward socialism and massive government control. We need more blogs, e-mails, conversations, etc. like this one to wake up the sleeping giant.

  3. Really this all began years ago, it is just now coming to a head...Remember a few years ago, the debate and court trial about our children reciting or not reciting the pledge because one stupid ass was offended that "under GOD" was in it.......
    Things are out of control across the board.
    I think it is a great time for everyone to take a stand.
