Sunday, September 27, 2009

New prayer for the Obama faithful

Here's a new prayer for the Obama faithful.
Our Father Obama, who art in D.C., hallowed be thy name. Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done, in America as it is in Europe. Give us this day our daily bread, medical insurance, unemployment checks, retirement checks, and all our hearts desires. And forgive us everyone in the world for our trespasses, as we were wrong to interfere in your affairs, including World War II. And lead us not into competition and hard work, but deliver us from independence and freedom. For thine is the true kingdom, absolute and unlimited power and the glory, which is beyond reproach, for ever and ever. Amen.


  1. Michael,

    Sweet, I have been considering doing a blog, too. And, it seems we are on the same wavelength. This will stir up Conservatives that don't recognize sarcasm and piss off Liberals to the bone. Oh, you left out the praise for Saint Nancy of San Francisco, silly you!


  2. seriously good work. I'm thoroughly impressed, and I offer kudos galore! Well done sir!

  3. you are too funny, I wonder though, have you ever considered, that there may be some good intentions mixed in with wrong choices???
    Don't get me wrong, I personally am not an obama supporter as a president, I rather think he should be a personal growth
    I just believe if all we do is focus on negative things....that is all we put out in the world, yet if we focus on positive change and positive choices, we begin to act in a more positive manner, which leads to better results.
