Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Union of Socialist State Republics (USSR), the new America

I was recently discussing the proposed "health care reform" in this country with a family member. My family member is a proponent of nationalized health care for all and cited the successes of this system in England. I had intended to only have a brief conversation regarding the issue but soon found myself diving into it head first. I quickly realized that this was not a 30 second response and the following blog was created. Enjoy and let me know what you think. Exercise your free speach!

Nothing is free. Everyone in the U.K. is covered but their tax rates reflect that. This country is a Democratic Republic not a Socialist State. While I agree that everyone should have health care I do not agree with the fact that the government should provide it nor do I believe that they have the right to mandate it.

Health care is a privelage not a right, similar to a driver's license. No one is entitiled to it. There have been times in my life when I have been uninsured and that is a direct consequence of my life choices. This nation has become great by each individuals personal efforts and not through hand outs from the government.

The governments purpose is to provide for the common defense, regulate interstate commerce (this term was intended by the founding fathers to mean keeping commerce regular not actually interferring with or "regulating" it), settle disputes between the states, and a few additional related items. The federal government was never meant to be intrusive. The founding fathers were breaking away from an intrusive government and had no intentions of creating another one. Infact, that is one of the reasons for our constitutional right to bare arms. It was meant as a last line of defense for the citizens to prevent their government from taking over their lives and trampling on their individual liberties. When the government no longer serves the people it is the right and duty of the people to rise up and replace it ( I believe that Thomas Jefferson said that but I am not certain.).

The current government is working tirelessly to erode our individual liberties. I don't just mean this administration, although they have been extra active. The Patriot Act is a perfect example of this. What in the heck are we thinking allowing this nonsense? The government has no business telling me that I must purchase medical insurance or pay a fine. They have no business telliing me that I must pay for someone else's insurance either. I find the concept to be Constitutionaly offensive and perverse.

If someone wants insurance and can not afford it then they need to figure out away to buy it. Go back to school, get a different job, cut their budget (who needs a $5 Starbucks coffee everyday?). We rise and fall on our own individual efforts. That is what has made this country great. You are only limited in life by yourself. Besides, there is already a system in place to guarantee that no one (legal or not) goes without life saving medical care.

Before anyone reading this thinks that I am a cold hearted you know what I want to also mention that I do believe we have a moral obligation to take care of our poor. Taking care of these people should include a path out of poverty though. This path should include medical care, financial assistance, food assistance, housing assistance, childcare assistance, and educational assistance.

This path must lead them out of their poverty. Our goal should be to help these people help themselves not perpetuate a cycle of permanent poverty and government reliance. Helping these people to help themselves is an investment in all of us. I also recognize that there are individuals which will never be able to get off of government assistance.

These people include the mentally disabled, permanently physically disabled, etc. These individuals may need our assistance for the rest of their lives and I have no problem with that. I firmly believe that it is our moral obligation to provide for them. We are the "Shining City on the Hill" (Ronald Reagan). Those who fall into this category, however, represent a very small minority.

The socialist hand outs, including welfare, have gone to far and need to be severly overhauled and many of them eliminated. It makes me sick that as a matter of financial budgeting I have choosen not to purchase vision or dental insurance but the person next door on welfare not only gets amazing medical insurance but also vision and dental. Seriously, do these people really need to have perfect teeth or glasses every year. I say no. If you want it then get a job and pay for it. Don't come looking for a hand out from me.

This same everyone wins and no one looses mentality is spreading to our kids as well. I have seen numerous competitive events where there are no winners or loosers. School sports programs don't cut kids. Schools don't want to fail kids because they'll hurt their little egos. Give me a break!

What in the heck are these kids going to do when they get into real life and their boss actually expects results or they will be fired. We as Americans are loosing our sense of individual accomplishment. We are relying more and more on handouts and others to take care of us. There is a drastic decrease in the sense of personal responsibility and accountability among the current generation. They all want everything now and they expect to get it. They feel entitled although they have done nothing to earn it.

I am very concerned about what this country will look like in 20 years if we all don't get a reality check. Heck, even businesses are on this band wagon. Oh no, we're out of money. We need stimulus funds or we are going to go out of business. Well guess what people, it is ok to go out of business. Banks fail, businesses go broke, people loose their jobs. It's called the free market.

What we don't hear anything about is the fact that everytime a business or industry goes away a new one takes its place. It is up to us as citizens to educate ourselves and adapt to the new market. Those who adapt will succeed and those who don't go extinct. A great example of this is in the movie "Other People's Money" with Danny Divito. There is a line in that money which talks about the last buggy whip company in the country and although they made a great buggy whip people just don't need them any more. Adapt and look for the new market. Capitalism, Free Market, Entrepreduership, America.

So in summary, I do not believe in socialized medicine nor the governments right to impose such a thing. If people want a free handout then they are in the wrong country. There are pleanty of European Socialist countries where they can get this. Infact, Canada is only a few hours flight to the north. I would suggest to those looking for that life style to consider relocating. In the words of our Founding Fathers, "Don't Tread On Me!".

1 comment:

  1. Well stated. One phenomenon I personally have noticed recently is that many liberals do not seem overly concerned about the possibility of the United States evolving into a socialist state. In a recent debate with a friend regarding universal health care, I had rhetorically asked "Why would a DEMOCRATIC nation practice socialized medicine?" And his response was "What's so bad about socialism anyway?" This is not the first time I've heard a liberal imply that "America as a socialist state" doesn't necessarily sound like such a terrible thing (nevermind the fact that it completely undermines the foundation of our nation, but hey, whatever). So apparently, it doesn't even matter if you manage to convince others that universal healthcare is indeed "socialized" medicine, because their reply is a resounding "So what's so bad about that?" And how do you argue with that kind of illogic? Arghhhh.

    Regarding the unwarranted sense of entitlement within our youth, I can testify first-hand that this is definitely true. From their point of view, teachers are there to "serve" them and make their lives as cushy and stress-free as possible. But even worse are the parents feeding them this feel-good, warm and fuzzy crap.

    I'm done commenting for now but had to add this one more line because I didn't want to end with the word "crap."

    Oh crap, I did it again. Whew, that's better. =)
